SURREAL CIRCLES: In his series Alternative Perspectives, photographer Randy Scott Slavin portrays a 360 degree view…

SURREAL CIRCLES: In his series Alternative Perspectives, photographer Randy Scott Slavin portrays a 360 degree view of our world by seamlessly stitching together hundreds of shots. The result is surreal art, grounded in reality. He inspires us to “go out and explore the world and take a look at the monuments and reimagine them in a different way”.


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339 Responses to SURREAL CIRCLES: In his series Alternative Perspectives, photographer Randy Scott Slavin portrays a 360 degree view…

  1. Ben Barks says:

    ALL the pictures are absolutely AWESOME!

  2. Rajini Rao says:

    The first pic was my inspiration to post these 🙂

  3. Vivek MITRA says:

    very nice Rajini Rao

  4. Marco Lesch says:

    Stunning pictures! Thanks for sharing, Rajini Rao 🙂

  5. From Alice in Wonderland!

    Many thanks Rajini…..:)

  6. Rajini Rao says:

    Terry Hallett , I thought of the rabbit hole too 🙂

  7. I thought of Arthur C. Clarke’s Rendevous with Rama immediately and then Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Pellucidar.

  8. Rendevous with Rama is inside a cylinder (spaceship) and Pellucidar is inside a sphere (world/planet/the Earth), in both cases a “world” on the interior surface.

  9. Incredible Rajini Rao could something similar be done with the Panoramic feature in a camera, or no?

  10. Rajini Rao says:

    Wow, YES…great imagery Freda Coursey !

    I wish we could replicate these too..but I think there is more digital trickery involved, John B 🙂

  11. its like your inside it nice……

  12. Don Quixote says:

    I remember this from the 70’s , back then it was mirrored spheres / tubes / and bowls. The composition is the key element and these are spot on.

  13. i will very imperceivable,good think

  14. Shola K says:

    Yes these are awasome pics, like Freda Coursey I instantly thought of the Rendevous with Rama series!


  16. Ahmed Ali says:

    very beautiful views

  17. i love this pic……….

  18. Kang Li says:

    woah! looks crazy amazing

  19. Holger G says:

    never seen before, but fantastic. great shots

  20. Yash Sharma says:

    Wow………Absolute great, stunning artistic work

  21. brilliant idea…more pls

  22. Has anyone read the RAMA series by Arthur C. Clarke? This is very reminiscent of it!

  23. David Allen says:

    That is so awesome!

  24. Asad Behari says:

    unbeliveable…. soo good

  25. bryan fery says:

    nice and beautiful scenery

  26. bryan fery says:

    extraordinary once we divine creation

  27. Agim Lubonja says:

    thinking @ Pink Floyd music.

  28. Shiny Syed says:

    hai siddiqui……..

  29. John Fisher says:

    sjrreal is right, awesome photo

  30. that’s like a faerie tales

  31. Darren Pinto says:

    excellent view……..

  32. Abi Malar says:

    extra ordinary images!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. joshy thomas says:


  34. Rakesh Itani says:

    wow…it’s awesome…

  35. amazing……………….

  36. This is awesome yes Marc Futoran it does make you think of space colonies and terraforming doesnt it? Cheers Rajini Rao

  37. Another couple of #Wallpapers for my Galaxy Nexus sorted!

  38. all I can say is WOW!!!!!!

  39. All I can say is WOW!!!

  40. woooow…this is awesome…

  41. hey whats this? is it a hole? ahmmmm i don’t think so but its nice

  42. hmmmmmmmmmm lokkin like a hole bt its superv

  43. really unbelievable and most attractive

  44. would u even think that the world is like that!!

  45. Tom Lee says:

    Another post lands on “what’s hot” list? Cool.

  46. OMF that is too cool

  47. Hai Bison says:

    I love to see the world as it is – no effects.

  48. WOW!!! its so….umm… . speechless

  49. kiara knight says:

    beautiful nikki i luv your music

  50. hey seema maan i just added you and how old r u

  51. yea like a pereal universe or something

  52. wonderful…………………..

  53. Well done!!!…magnificent shot in all angle!

  54. zubair ahmad says:


  55. Rajini Rao This photo is now my wallpaper on one my my multiple mac desktops, cheers

  56. Beautifulllllll……

  57. Amit Saini says:

    u r gr8 how u do this

  58. Very nice picture Rajini Rao

  59. The step taken when viewing the world from a different perspective has at several occasions been extremely inspiring. Now I see my world from ‘old age’ (being 81) which makes me understand the necessity of being able to let go, without regret or resentment of all gifts and abilities and possessions and approach death as naked and helpless as we were born – filled with gratitude for the journey through the land of life .

  60. imagine that this is in reality

  61. B M says:


  62. hello rajini

    Its very impressive and i like to very much

  63. MC Uneek says:

    awesome !! its just so brilliant B)

  64. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  65. those look soo cool 😀

  66. Anand Kumar says:

    waste image

    no natural image

  67. Grey Nomad says:

    Superb Than you for sharing

  68. Absolutely fantastic Rajini Rao

  69. Joe Reeves says:

    Thats AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. HARMEET KAUR says:

    OMG!!! jst amazing….. :O

  71. OMG, that is EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  72. Suman Das says:

    wow sooo beautiful

  73. hello…..handsome how are you doing today hoping all is great with you i will like us to be friends and get to know more about each other very well ok

  74. mridula nair says:


  75. Makes my brain hurt 😦

  76. Senam joy says:

    nice one how did you do that and with what camera did you get that with

  77. Anil Das says:

    Photos a topologist would love.

  78. Karl Smithe says:

    What planet is that?

  79. RAMU DAS says:

    it’s very beautiful!

  80. looks like a fantasy movie

  81. Jon Belanger says:

    Reminds me of Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke.

  82. Linda Laby says:


  83. Caleb Moore says:


    live out loud

  84. tthats real coooooooooooool

  85. Beautiful, but for some reason it makes me queasy.

  86. Jeez i do love imagination, sweet post 🙂

  87. vincent tong says:

    did u use effect of the program or from ur own camera?

  88. So cool. I love these. Very inspirational!!

  89. …and there where Alice gone.

  90. waio the pic are so beatifl

  91. Mohan Pm says:


  92. Los See says:

    These are awesome!

  93. Leo Plumley is a CROOK! He refuses to return our money with lame excuses blaming us for it, but keeps the money for himself for noting in return.

  94. PABLO ARVELO says:

    ah…what would we do without photoshop

  95. Omkar Reddy says:

    really awesome………..


  96. danielle rea says:

    klas photos the worldz amazing

  97. Dee Patel says:

    This is Pretty Amazing work! Love it! Great Job.

  98. that looks like a great digital rendition of a blue hole.

  99. A invitation for dream! I liked.

  100. The earth is not round, it’s cylindrical!

  101. Samia Elsaid says:

    hugs,hugs, hugs 4 these SURREAL CIRCLES.LUV

  102. YES VERY AWESOME. i also thought of alice and wonderland and a time i was tripping…. 😛

  103. That is one big butthole

  104. Kelie White says:

    Love this one 🙂

  105. wow thats so cool!!!!! :0

  106. chakkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaar aa raha hai mis rao,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  107. cooooooooooooooooooooooooooll

    waz up?

  108. Whooooa! Twist and turns! Me likey.

  109. Jeanene Kaht says:

    Love it! Thanks for the inspiration!

  110. jimi son says:

    hi.Rajini who share dis pic to my fb.plz

  111. keep sharing – love it!

  112. Thats wayy beautiful and interesting!!

  113. wow…… that is just beautiful!

  114. Jeremy Ray says:

    Sonic in real life…

  115. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  116. wonderful pics girl where did u get them from..?? plz reply…

  117. Travis Green says:

    Awesome. I like your plant photos as well.

  118. Tariq Dwekat says:

    PHOTOSHOP level: OVER 9000

  119. reminds me of super mario galaxy (^_^)

  120. Alicia S. says:

    This is AMAZING photography!

  121. Vidya karuna says:

    keko keka

    kevvu keka

  122. James Maran says:

    Beautiful pictures

  123. Tarun gupta says:

    it is just normal pic

  124. Abi Malar says:

    different and creative sharing frnd. i saw this as ur first sharing in g+

    . good to see this.

  125. ziya malik says:

    very beautiful …fantrastic

  126. You are so professional

  127. rare avis says:

    It’s funny what blessings of the mind a simple perspective shift can gift even the most weary of travelers…


    Thank you… 😉

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